Opening and Closing Ceremonies communications systems
Torino One Line Plan,
(click to download a PDF)
View of the stage from the comms control room. Note the Riedel DSP desk panels labeled 1-6 for access to the six in ear monitor systems.
Pete Erskine designed storage bags for the outdoors equipment. The bags opened at the bottom and were fastened with Velcro at the top. This allowed humidity to escape and wires to stay attached to the beltpacks. Here's one after the first snowstorm.
Larry Estrin outside the comms control room before loading has begun.
Torino Stadium Layout
A view towards the rings stage through the stage manager’s room.
A storage bag in better weather.
Riedel’s Simon Korzen installing antennas for the radio systems.
This one line diagram shows the functional interconnection of the equipment. The plan shows where the equipment was located in the stadium.
The radio interfaces and main Riedel node.
Over a thousand of Sennheiser in ear packs were used by the performers, along with hundreds of Shure packs and almost a thousand FM receivers.
Pete Erskine's control desk-- a Riedel panel with extra expansion panels above the laptop and a second screen to watch the cross points.
The stage and skating ramps surrounded a seating area for the athletes.
View of the Opening Ceremony behind Doug Jack, the head choreographer. Note the Riedel panels.
The Olympic rings in the performing stage position. No platforms. The performers climbed and suspended from the rings.
Andrea, the Technical director, Marc Schneider, the account exec from Riedel, Julia Whittle, the Deputy PSM, Larry Estrin and Sam Hunter, the Production Stage Manager.
Panorama of the stage from the control room.